Agricultural Applications of the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) file size: 10933 kb Akyuz, F. Adnan
Avian Use of Rice-bated Trays Attached to Cages with Live Decoy Blackbirds in Central North Dakota: Research Update. file size: 5144 kb Winter, Jamison
Confection Sunflower Production in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming. file size: 5773 kb Violett, Randal
Determining the Resistance Mechanisms for Banded Sunflower Moth. file size: 1012 kb Chirumamilla, Anitha
Developing Agronomic Recommendations for Oklahoma: Starting from Scratch. file size: 1775 kb Godsey, Chad
Development of Host-plant Resistance as a Strategy to Reduce Damage from the Major Sunflower Insect Pests. file size: 2063 kb Charlet, Larry
Ecology of Dectes Texanus on Sunflowers and Novel Tactics for Mitigating Yield Losses. file size: 502 kb Michaud, J.P.
Enhancing Agricultural Research Through Partnerships file size: 790 kb Scott, Roy
Evaluation of Anthranquinone as a Potential Bird Repellent in Sunflower. file size: 3546 kb Kandel, Hans
Evaluation of Fungicides and Timing for Rust Control in Inoculated Trials in North Dakota. (PowerPoint) file size: 2245 kb Markell, Sam
Prevalent Rust Races on Sunflower in Manitoba file size: 1782 kb Rashid, Khalid (2009)
Production Practices for Late-Planted Sunflower in Eastern Kansas. file size: 1927 kb Long, Jim (2009)
Review of 2008 Studies on Integrated Pest Management Strategies to Reduce Damage from the Sunflower Seed Maggot. file size: 1438 kb Ganehiarachchi, Managala
Review of Pest Problems in 2008. file size: 2004 kb Knodel, Janet
Seed Spacing Accuracy Performance of Planters and Planter Options with Confection Sunflower Seed file size: 7262 kb Smith, John
Summary of Research Needs for Sunflower Genetics. file size: 402 kb Hulke, Brent
Sunflower Rust Races in 2008 in the Northern and Central Great Plains and Resistance in Commercial Hybrids. file size: 2377 kb Gulya, Tom
Sunflower Seed Development. file size: 2055 kb Johnson, Burton
Sunflower: A Double Cropping Option in the South Eastern U.S. file size: 2187 kb Caldbeck, Brian
Tolerance of Sunflower to KIH-485 plus Tank-mixtures. file size: 190 kb Zollinger, Rich
Towards the Development of a Perennial Sunflower: Current Research and Challenges. file size: 968 kb Kantar, Mikey
U.S. Sunflower Survey. file size: 182 kb Kandel, Hans
Use of an Experimental Compound to Replace Paraquat as a Harvest Aid in Sunflower. Howatt, Kirk
Using Herbarium Data to Study Sunflower Rust (Puccinia helianthi) incidence in the Sunflower Species Helianthus annuus and Helianthus Petiolaris. file size: 500 kb Sparks, Kathryn
Water Use Efficiency and Irrigation Timing for Southern High Plains Sunflower. file size: 846 kb Trostle, Calvin