Sunflower R.2 Growth Stage
Below are links to most of the PowerPoint presentations (in PDF format) from the 31st annual NSA Research Forum. Click on the title of the presentation to access the file. Please note that some of the files are very large in size and may take a few minutes to download.

The content of these presentations may not be used without the author's consent.
Agricultural Applications of the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) file size: 10933 kb
Akyuz, F. Adnan

Avian Use of Rice-bated Trays Attached to Cages with Live Decoy Blackbirds in Central North Dakota: Research Update. file size: 5144 kb
Winter, Jamison

Confection Sunflower Production in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming. file size: 5773 kb
Violett, Randal

Determining the Resistance Mechanisms for Banded Sunflower Moth. file size: 1012 kb
Chirumamilla, Anitha

Developing Agronomic Recommendations for Oklahoma: Starting from Scratch. file size: 1775 kb
Godsey, Chad

Development of Host-plant Resistance as a Strategy to Reduce Damage from the Major Sunflower Insect Pests. file size: 2063 kb
Charlet, Larry

Ecology of Dectes Texanus on Sunflowers and Novel Tactics for Mitigating Yield Losses. file size: 502 kb
Michaud, J.P.

Enhancing Agricultural Research Through Partnerships file size: 790 kb
Scott, Roy

Evaluation of Anthranquinone as a Potential Bird Repellent in Sunflower. file size: 3546 kb
Kandel, Hans

Evaluation of Fungicides and Timing for Rust Control in Inoculated Trials in North Dakota. (PowerPoint) file size: 2245 kb
Markell, Sam

Prevalent Rust Races on Sunflower in Manitoba file size: 1782 kb
Rashid, Khalid (2009)

Production Practices for Late-Planted Sunflower in Eastern Kansas. file size: 1927 kb
Long, Jim (2009)

Review of 2008 Studies on Integrated Pest Management Strategies to Reduce Damage from the Sunflower Seed Maggot. file size: 1438 kb
Ganehiarachchi, Managala

Review of Pest Problems in 2008. file size: 2004 kb
Knodel, Janet

Seed Spacing Accuracy Performance of Planters and Planter Options with Confection Sunflower Seed file size: 7262 kb
Smith, John

Summary of Research Needs for Sunflower Genetics. file size: 402 kb
Hulke, Brent

Sunflower Rust Races in 2008 in the Northern and Central Great Plains and Resistance in Commercial Hybrids. file size: 2377 kb
Gulya, Tom

Sunflower Seed Development. file size: 2055 kb
Johnson, Burton

Sunflower: A Double Cropping Option in the South Eastern U.S. file size: 2187 kb
Caldbeck, Brian

Tolerance of Sunflower to KIH-485 plus Tank-mixtures. file size: 190 kb
Zollinger, Rich

Towards the Development of a Perennial Sunflower: Current Research and Challenges. file size: 968 kb
Kantar, Mikey

U.S. Sunflower Survey. file size: 182 kb
Kandel, Hans

Use of an Experimental Compound to Replace Paraquat as a Harvest Aid in Sunflower.
Howatt, Kirk

Using Herbarium Data to Study Sunflower Rust (Puccinia helianthi) incidence in the Sunflower Species Helianthus annuus and Helianthus Petiolaris. file size: 500 kb
Sparks, Kathryn

Water Use Efficiency and Irrigation Timing for Southern High Plains Sunflower. file size: 846 kb
Trostle, Calvin

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