2007 National Sunflower Association Sunflower Survey file size: 9118 kb Kandel, Hans
Avian Use of Rice-baited Trays Attached to Cages with Live Decoy Blackbirds in Central North Dakota file size: 1875 kb Winter, Jamison
Collection of Wild Sunflower Species from the Land Down Under file size: 14842 kb Seiler, Gerald
Current Status of Stalk Rot Resistance in Commercial Hybrids file size: 5719 kb Gulya, Tom
Effect of Preharvest Herbicides on Sunflower file size: 1401 kb Howatt, Kirk
Evaluation of Sunflower for Resistance to Stem and Seed Insect Pests in the Northern and Central Plains file size: 812 kb Charlet, Larry
Evaluation of Wild Sunflower Species for Resistance to Sclerotinia Wilt file size: 3055 kb Block, Charles
Late Seeded Sunflower Performance file size: 2024 kb Johnson, Burton
Mapping the Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) for Seed Traits in Sunflower file size: 3240 kb Yue, Bing
New Directions and Changing Faces for the USDA Sunflower Genetics Research Programs file size: 359 kb Hulke, Brent
Nitrogen Management of Irrigated Sunflowers file size: 709 kb Schneekloth, Joel
Population Biology of Wild Sunflowers and Studies of Rust Incidence Using Herbarium Data file size: 400 kb Alexander, Helen
Promoting Flowering in Helianthus argophyllys: Manipulating Daylength in the Field file size: 5428 kb Marek, Laura
Seed Spacing Accuracy Performance of Planters and Planter Options with Confection Sunflower Seed file size: 7262 kb Smith, John
Sunflower Rust Races in 2007 and Resistance in Commercial Hybrids file size: 1615 kb Gulya, Tom
Sunflower Tolerance to KIH-485 file size: 5923 kb Zollinger, Rich
Update on Pest Management Strategies for Control of Banded Moth in North Dakota file size: 600 kb Knodel, Janet
Update on Screening of Sunflower Hybrids for Resistance to Sclerotinia Head Rot file size: 1823 kb Lee, DoKyoung
Update on the Efficacy of Fungicides for Rust Control in Sunflower file size: 1067 kb Rashid, Khalid
Updates on the Rust and Downy Mildew Races in Sunflower in Manitoba file size: 1816 kb Rashid, Khalid