Bright Yellow Sunflower
Below are links to most of the PowerPoint presentations (in PDF format) from the 30th annual NSA Research Forum held in January 2008. Click on the title of the presentation to access the file. Please note that most of the files are very large in size and may take a few minutes to download.

The content of these presentations may not be used without the author's consent.
2007 National Sunflower Association Sunflower Survey file size: 9118 kb
Kandel, Hans

Avian Use of Rice-baited Trays Attached to Cages with Live Decoy Blackbirds in Central North Dakota file size: 1875 kb
Winter, Jamison

Collection of Wild Sunflower Species from the Land Down Under file size: 14842 kb
Seiler, Gerald

Current Status of Stalk Rot Resistance in Commercial Hybrids file size: 5719 kb
Gulya, Tom

Effect of Preharvest Herbicides on Sunflower file size: 1401 kb
Howatt, Kirk

Evaluation of Sunflower for Resistance to Stem and Seed Insect Pests in the Northern and Central Plains file size: 812 kb
Charlet, Larry

Evaluation of Wild Sunflower Species for Resistance to Sclerotinia Wilt file size: 3055 kb
Block, Charles

Late Seeded Sunflower Performance file size: 2024 kb
Johnson, Burton

Mapping the Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) for Seed Traits in Sunflower file size: 3240 kb
Yue, Bing

New Directions and Changing Faces for the USDA Sunflower Genetics Research Programs file size: 359 kb
Hulke, Brent

Nitrogen Management of Irrigated Sunflowers file size: 709 kb
Schneekloth, Joel

Population Biology of Wild Sunflowers and Studies of Rust Incidence Using Herbarium Data file size: 400 kb
Alexander, Helen

Promoting Flowering in Helianthus argophyllys: Manipulating Daylength in the Field file size: 5428 kb
Marek, Laura

Seed Spacing Accuracy Performance of Planters and Planter Options with Confection Sunflower Seed file size: 7262 kb
Smith, John

Sunflower Rust Races in 2007 and Resistance in Commercial Hybrids file size: 1615 kb
Gulya, Tom

Sunflower Tolerance to KIH-485 file size: 5923 kb
Zollinger, Rich

Update on Pest Management Strategies for Control of Banded Moth in North Dakota file size: 600 kb
Knodel, Janet

Update on Screening of Sunflower Hybrids for Resistance to Sclerotinia Head Rot file size: 1823 kb
Lee, DoKyoung

Update on the Efficacy of Fungicides for Rust Control in Sunflower file size: 1067 kb
Rashid, Khalid

Updates on the Rust and Downy Mildew Races in Sunflower in Manitoba file size: 1816 kb
Rashid, Khalid

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