Seed maggot
Jarrad Prasifka image

Below are links to the PowerPoint presentations (in PDF format) from the 42nd NSA Research Forum held January 8-9, 2020. Click on the title of the presentation to access the file. Presentations are listed in the order in which they appeared in the program.

The content of these presentations may not be used without the author's/authors' consent.
2019 National Sunflower Production Survey: 1. Yield and Management Practices file size: 1651 kb
Ryan Buetow, NDSU, Dickinson Research and Extension Center, Dickinson, ND

2019 National Sunflower Production Survey: 2. Diseases file size: 4749 kb
Febina Mathew, SDSU, Dept. of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, Brookings, SD; Tom Gulya, (retired) USDA-ARS, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND

2019 National Sunflower Production Survey: 3. Insects file size: 5723 kb
Jarrad Prasifka, USDA-ARS, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND

Update on Breeding and Quantitative Genetics at USDA file size: 4299 kb
Brent Hulke, Stephan Reinert, Qingming Gao & Jarrad Prasifka, USDA-ARS, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND

2019 Progress for Applying Genomic Tools to Accelerate Breeding for Disease Resistance in Confection Sunflower file size: 1072 kb
Guojia Ma & Xuehui Li, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Sciences, Fargo, ND; Lili Qi, USDA-ARS, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND

Field Evaluation of Early Maturing Oilseed Sunflower Double-Cropped After Winter Camelina file size: 1062 kb
Russ W. Gesch, USDA-ARS, North Central Soil Conservation Research Lab, Morris, MN; Brent Hulke & James Anderson, USDA-ARS, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND

Impacts of Within-Row Plant Spacing (Doubles, Skips, and Gaps) Given Consistent Population of Oilseed and Confection Sunflower (Helianthus annuul L.) and Phenotyping Using UAV Based Remote Sensing file size: 3297 kb
Neil Olson, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Sciences, Fargo, ND; Brent Hulke, USDA-ARS, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND; Ron Meyer, Colorado State University, Burlington, CO; Calvin Trostle, Texas A&M University, Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center, Texas A&M System, Lubbock, TX

Evaluation of Sunflower Tolerance to Fall-Applied Herbicides file size: 1348 kb
Caleb Dalley, NDSU, Hettinger Research & Extension Center, Hettinger, ND; Brian Jenks, NDSU, Minot Research & Extension Center, Minot, ND

Effectiveness of Pre-Followed by Zidua Post for Controlling Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in High Plains Sunflower Production file size: 13159 kb
Vipan Kumar, KSU, Agricultural Research Center, Hays, KS; Nevin Lawrence & Cody Creech, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Dept. Agronomy & Horticulture, Panhandle Research & Extension Center, Scottsbluff, NE; Jean Falk Jones, KSU, K-State NW Area Office, Hays, KS

Greenhouse Evaluation of Different Fungicides at Multiple Rates to Control Phomopsis helianthi file size: 6967 kb
Ruchika Sharma, Nathan Braun & Febina Mathew, SDSU, Dept. of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, Brookings, SD; Sam Markell, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND; Bob Harveson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Panhandle Research & Extension Center, Scottsbluff, NE

Isolation and Pathogenicity of Phomopsis from Symptomless Sunflower file size: 2119 kb
Nabin Dangal, Brian Kontz, Nathan Braun & Febina Mathew, SDSU, Dept. of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, Brookings, SD; Sam Markell, Brian Hansen & Jessica Halvorson, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND; Bob Harveson, Clay Carlson & Tyler Patrick, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Panhandle Research & Extension Center, Scottsbluff, NE

Evaluation of Fungicides for Their Efficacy Against Phomopsis Stem Canker of Sunflower file size: 1482 kb
Renan Guidini, Nathan Braun & Febina Mathew, SDSU, Dept. of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, Brookings, SD; Sam Markell, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND; Bob Harveson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Panhandle Research & Extension Center, Scottsbluff, NE

Improving Sunflower Resistance to the Necrotrophic Fungal Pathogens Sclerotinia and Phomopsis file size: 1628 kb
William Underwood, Chris Misar & Megan Overlander, USDA-ARS, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND; Roshan Sharma Poudel, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND

Help Us Help You: Disease Management and Resource Discussion file size: 7467 kb
Sam Markell, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND; Bob Harveson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Panhandle Research & Extension Center, Scottsbluff, NE; Febina Mathew, SDSU, Dept. of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, Brookings, SD; Charles Block, ISU, Seed Science Center, Ames, IA; Tom Gulya, 5009 Deerwood Dr., Santa Rosa, CA; Sue Thompson & Mal Ryley, 24 Botanica Circuit, Doonan, Queensland, Australia

Fungicide Management of Phoma Black Stem in Sunflowers file size: 1534 kb
Bryan Hansen, Michelle Gilley, Brandt Berghuis, Jessica Halvorson & Sam Markell, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND; Blaine Schatz, NDSU, Carrington Research & Extension Center, Carrington, ND; Febina Mathew, SDSU, Dept. of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, Brookings, SD; Scott Fitterer & Dave Carruth, BASF North Dakota Research Farm, Davenport, ND

Rhizopus Head Rot - Quantifying Yield Losses in the Field file size: 5734 kb
Bob Harveson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Panhandle Research & Extension Center, Scottsbluff, NE; Febina Mathew, SDSU, Dept. of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, Brookings, SD; Sam Markell, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND

The Effect of Simulated Hail on Sunflower Health file size: 1290 kb
Bryan Hansen, Jessica Halvorson, Scott Meyer & Sam Markell, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo ND; Febina Mathew & Nathan Braun, SDSU, Dept. of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, Brookings, SD; Bob Harveson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Panhandle Research & Extension Center, Scottsbluff, NE; Scott Fitterer & Dave Carruth, BASF North Dakota Research Farm, Davenport, ND

Fatty Acid Data and Crop Surveys Indicate Sources of Red Seed Weevil Populations and Suggest Strategies for Management file size: 2103 kb
Jarrad Prasifka & James Anderson, USDA-ARS, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND

Updates on Sunflower Pollinator Research: Understanding Interactions of Plant Phenotype, Environment, and Pollinator Identity file size: 704 kb
Beth Ferguson, USDA-ARS/ORISE & Jarrad Prasifka, USDA-ARS, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND

Red Sunflower Seed Weevils: Are They Resistant to Pyrethroids? file size: 1262 kb
Adam Varenhorst & Philip Rozeboom, SDSU, Dept. of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, Brookings, SD; Patrick Wagner, SDSU, Extension Regional Center, Rapid City, SD; Janet J. Knodel, NDSU, Extension Entomology, Fargo, ND

The Dirt About Wireworm Management in Sunflowers file size: 3753 kb
Janet J. Knodel & Patrick B. Beauzay, NDSU, Extension Entomology, Fargo, ND

Special Topics: Recommended practices in row spacing and tillage for sunflower file size: 9058 kb
Calvin Trostle, Texas A&M University, Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center, Texas A&M System, Lubbock, TX

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