Historical Prices/Values
Historical Prices - Seed, Oil, & Meal

Historical Price Data
Marketing Years: 1980/81 through 2022/23

Average Price
Received by
Average Price
Average Price
34% protein
$/short ton
1980/81 10.90 26.95 111
1981/82 10.80 24.89 106
1982/83 9.03 21.38 100
1983/84 13.00 32.33 111
1984/85 11.30 30.01 52
1985/86 7.93 19.10 68
1986/87 6.90 15.99 76
1987/88 8.34 23.49 103
1988/89 12.10 22.66 120
1989/90 10.60 24.37 97
1990/91 10.80 23.67 88
1991/92 8.69 21.63 77
1992/93 9.74 25.37 90
1993/94 12.90 31.08 95
1994/95 10.70 28.10 83
1995/96 11.50 25.40 124
1996/97 11.70 22.64 111
1997/98 11.60 27.00 84
1998/99 10.60 20.10 64
1999/00 7.53 16.68 75
2000/01 6.89 15.89 91
2001/02 9.62 23.25 87
2002/03 12.10 33.11 105
2003/04 12.10 33.41 111
2004/05 13.70 43.71 86
2005/06 12.10 40.64 77
2006/07 14.50 58.03 105
2007/08 21.70 91.15 173
2008/09 21.80 50.24 152
2009/10 15.10 52.80 151
2010/11 23.30 86.12 220
2011/12 29.10 83.20 247
2012/13 25.40 65.87 242
2013/14 21.40 59.12 245
2014/15 21.70 66.72 210
2015/16 19.60 57.81 153
2016/17 17.35 53.54 145
2017/18 17.20 54.57 174
2018/19 17.40 53.28 164
2019/20 19.50 65.03 188
2020/21 21.30 79.00 246
2021/22 32.90 111.39 280
2022/23 27.80 80.11 244
Sources: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA Economic Research Service, USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service, National Monthly Feedstuff Prices, U.S. Census Bureau, Fats and Oils: Consumption, Production, and Stocks and Global Agricultural Trade System.

Historical Value Data
All Sunflower Seed Types 1980 through 2023

Year Total $ in thousands
1980 $413,907
1981 $485,358
1982 $473,454
1983 $418,764
1984 $415,584
1985 $251,505
1986 $185,119
1987 $217,618
1988 $208,875
1989 $190,452
1990 $245,754
1991 $316,847
1992 $250,748
1993 $326,435
1994 $512,791
1995 $457,575
1996 $417,910
1997 $426,766
1998 $536,971
1999 $339,993
2000 $246,869
2001 $325,950
2002 $294,595
2003 $316,214
2004 $272,732
2005 $487,654
2006 $308,832
2007 $614,736
2008 $704,105
2009 $458,959
2010 $633,778
2011 $589,282
2012 $699,970
2013 $443,296
2014 $497,775
2015 $574,156
2016 $464,015
2017 $375,077
2018 $369,423
2019 $385,263
2020 $630,923
2021 $616,357
2022 $763,085
2023 $418,746
Sources: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Crop Production and Crop Values.
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