Nearby prices are up 70 cents to $1.10 with 2025 new crop contracts unchanged to up 40 cents this week. Nearby prices have added $1.50-$1.75 in the past two weeks at the crush plants. USDA released its latest estimate of the 2024 US sunflower crop with production decreasing from last year. According to USDA, 2024 sunflower production totaled 1.15 billion pounds, down 49 percent from 2023. The United States average yield of 1,670 pounds per acre decreased 117 pounds from 2023. Planted area, at 720,800 acres, was 45 percent below the previous year. Area harvested decreased 46 percent from 2023 to 686,100 acres. United States production of oil-type sunflower varieties, at 947 million pounds, decreased 52 percent from 2023. Compared with the previous year, harvested acres were down 49 percent and the average yield decreased by 85 pounds to 1,664 pounds per acre. Production of non-oil sunflower varieties was estimated at 199 million pounds, a decrease of 33 percent from 2023. Area harvested, at 116,900 acres, was down 17 percent from 2023. The average yield decreased by 391 pounds from 2023. In its grain stocks report, USDA lowered old crop oil-type sunflower stocks in all positions by 3.8 million pounds from its September grain stocks report. Old crop non-oil sunflower stocks were left unchanged. Traders will continue to digest these figures and set market direction in the weeks ahead.
2025 new crop sunflower prices at the crush plants are available at cash $22.25-$22.50 and Act of God (AOG) $21.75-$24.00. Something else to consider is the oil premiums that crush plants pay on sunflowers. Sunflower is the only oilseed that pays premiums for oil content above 40%. Considering oil premiums that are offered at the crush plants on oil content above 40% at a rate of 2% price premium for each 1% of oil above 40%; this pushes a contract with 45% oil content gross return 10% higher per cwt. The $22.50 contract increases to $24.75.
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