Grower Survey
Sunflower Grower Survey
1990 Sunflower Grower Survey file size: 5394 kb
This is the first survey of North Dakota sunflower grower pest problems and pesticide use.

1991 Sunflower Grower Survey file size: 7087 kb
Sunflower growers in Kansas, Minnesota and North Dakota were surveyed about pest problems and pesticide use in 1991.

1994 Sunflower Grower Survey file size: 10182 kb
Sunflower growers in Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota were surveyed about pest problems and pesticide use in 1994.

1997 Sunflower Grower Survey file size: 12468 kb
Sunflower growers in Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota were surveyed about pest problems and pesticide use in 1997.

2000 Sunflower Disease and Midge Survey file size: 3651 kb

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